ULTIMATE BAN 3.2 is the best ban bot on nimbuzz.

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UBB 3.2


.restart: the bot will restart.

.exit: the bot will exit.

.rejoin: the bot will rejoin the chatroom.

.dot: the bot will send a dot.

.maxlines: Change Max allowed lines in message. (.maxlines 5)

.maxlen: Change Max allowed message length. (.maxlen 195)

.maxtime: Change Max allowed times of sending fast messages. (.maxtime 5)

.maxlike: Change Max allowed times of repeating same message. (.maxlike 5)

.speed: Disable/Enable message speed detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .time 1)

.rep: Disable/Enable message repetition detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .rep 1)

.censor: Disable/Enable censor words detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .censor 1)

.len: Disable/Enable message length/lines detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .len 1)

.unban: Unban an ID. (example: .unban ultimate.zero)

.ban: Manual ban of any ID (example: .ban ultimate.zero)

.kick: Kick a user (.kick ultimate.zero)

.devoice: Devoice a user AKA make him a visitor (.devoice ultimate.zero)

.voice: Give voice to a devoiced user AKA make him a participant (.voice ultimate.zero)

.mod: Grant temporary moderator role to a user (.mod ultimate.zero)

.member: Same as .unban (.member ultimate.zero)

.unmember: Revoke member affiliation (.unmember ultimate.zero)

.admin: Make a user an admin in room (.admin ultimate.zero)

.lock: Lock the room using the default room password in config file.

.unlock: Unlock the room.

.addcen: Add a word to the censored words list (example: .addcen dog)

.delcen: Remove a word from the censored words list (example: .delcen dog)

.say: Make the bot say something in room (example: .say hi all)

.cenwords: Display the censored words list.

.cenban: Disable/Enable immediate ban on censor. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .cenban 1)

.sub: Disable/Enable SubCommands.  1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .sub 1)

.getres: Display full JID of a user in room. (Example: .getres ultimate.zero)

.zombie: Disable/Enable Zombie ID mode. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .zombie 1)

.autowel: Disable/Enable Auto Welcome. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .autowel 1)

.automem: Disable/Enable Auto Member. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .automem 1)

.addwelcome: Add a welcome message. (Example: .addwelcome Welcome all :))

.delwelcome: Remove a welcome message. (Example: .delwelcome Welcome all :))

.addspec: Add a special welcome message to a user. (Example: .addspec ultimate.zero Welcome Master)

.delspec: Remove special welcome of a user. (Example: .delspec ultimate.zero)

.unbanall: Clear the banlist.

.addadmin: Add a user to bot admins list. (Example: .addadmin ultimate.zero)

.deladmin: Remove a user from bot admins list. (Example: .deladmin ultimate.zero)

Subcommands (can be sent via owner or admin of the room):

.rejoin: the bot will rejoin the chatroom.

.speed: Disable/Enable message speed detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .time 1)

.rep: Disable/Enable message repetition detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .rep 1)

.censor: Disable/Enable censor words detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .censor 1)

.len: Disable/Enable message length/lines detection. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .len 1)

.unban: Unban an ID. (example: .unban ultimate.zero)

.ban: Manual ban of any ID (example: .ban ultimate.zero)

.kick: Kick a user (.kick ultimate.zero)

.devoice: Devoice a user AKA make him a visitor (.devoice ultimate.zero)

.voice: Give voice to a devoiced user AKA make him a participant (.voice ultimate.zero)

.mod: Grant temporary moderator role to a user (.mod ultimate.zero)

.member: Same as .unban (.member ultimate.zero)

.unmember: Revoke member affiliation (.unmember ultimate.zero)

.admin: Make a user an admin in room (.admin ultimate.zero)

.lock: Lock the room using the default room password in config file.

.unlock: Unlock the room.

.addcen: Add a word to the censored words list (example: .addcen dog)

.delcen: Remove a word from the censored words list (example: .delcen dog)

.say: Make the bot say something in room (example: .say hi all)

.cenwords: Display the censored words list.

.cenban: Disable/Enable immediate ban on censor. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .cenban 1)

.getres: Display full JID of a user in room. (Example: .getres ultimate.zero)

.autowel: Disable/Enable Auto Welcome. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .autowel 1)

.automem: Disable/Enable Auto Member. 1 for On. 0 for Off. (Example: .automem 1)

.addwelcome: Add a welcome message. (Example: .addwelcome Welcome all :))

.delwelcome: Remove a welcome message. (Example: .delwelcome Welcome all :))

.addspec: Add a special welcome message to a user. (Example: .addspec ultimate.zero Welcome Master)

.delspec: Remove special welcome of a user. (Example: .delspec ultimate.zero)

.unbanall: Clear the banlist.

New Commands :

Added command to display current room users and to apply command to them by their number (Example: .fban 2)
Added ban by messages similarity feature. It’s like message repetition, but the messages don’t have to be exactly the same.
Removed spaces in resource (Nimbuzz new rule)
Fixed room locking issue.
Added Auto update. Now if I released a new version, you will be notified when you run the bot.
Replaced safety messages with safety timer (10 seconds).

.users: Display current room users to apply commands to them.
.maxsim: Maximum allowed times of repeating similar message
.sim: Enable/Disable banning by messages similarity

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